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RAWA 2023 Survey Results


Thank you to all of the supporters who took the time to answer questions in our recent survey. The results can be seen in full here.

We are sharing these results with SAFC and will use some of the data to help with discussions that take place with the club in the future. We're currently awaiting the date for the next full supporter engagement meeting. As always we'll do our best to represent prevailing views from the fanbase and our membership.

We've highlighted some of the stats from the survey that most fans would deem topical or are areas that have kept our in-box busy recently.

* 2731 supporters completed the survey (more than is required to be statistically relevant)

* 73% of those who took part are current season card holders

* 44% of fans are either Somewhat or Strongly in Favour of digital ticketing with almost 80% of supporters stating they use digital tickets in other walks of life. However, 63% of fans rated the Club's handling of digital ticketing as Poor or Very Poor. And 69% of fans said they felt Somewhat Confident or Very Confident when it comes to using digital ticketing.

* The overall standard of customer service was rated as Very Poor and Poor by 65% of supporters, with 13% rating as Good or Very Good and 22% said it was Adequate. Results are similar on the speed of customer service.

* 80% of supporters rated the availability of Club merchandise as Very Poor or Poor with 62% rating the range available as Poor or Very Poor.

* 83% of supporters Strongly Agreed or Somewhat Agreed that netting should be installed in the away end. 85% stated away fans are important to the atmosphere. 46% Strongly or Somewhat Agreed that away fans should be moved pitch-side with 21% neither agreeing or disagreeing. 32% either Somewhat or Strongly disagreed that away fans should be moved pitch-side.

* 83% of supporters Agreed or Strongly Agreed that supporter made banners and flags are important to creating an atmosphere. 68% of fans would like to see a designated standing area introduced.

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