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Stand for election to the RAWA Trust Board


The first AGM of RAWA as a Supporters' Trust will take place on 13th October, 6.30pm at the SoL. We'll be opening registrations to attend that soon.

In the meantime, there is now an opportunity for Trust members to stand for election to the RAWA Board. Members can do so by completing this form and submitting it before midnight on 29th September. Please follow the instructions on the form and note a seconder is required.

There are five positions on the board to stand for.


Vice Chair (x2)


Membership Secretary

Whilst these titles suggest responsibilities in particular areas, the current RAWA Board have worked very much as a team, sharing responsibilities and, of course, collaborating with co-opted representatives and liaising with the wider membership. It can be hard work at times but RAWA is extremely rewarding to be a part of, and we encourage members to consider standing.

If you're not already a Trust member of RAWA but would like to be able to vote and/or stand for election now is the time to join and you can do so here. This will take you to our LoveAdmin membership platform. It's only £5 per year to sign up (with an option to pay more if you wish to).

We'll be in touch with members again in the coming days and weeks with more information on how to register to attend, along with reminders on how to stand for election.



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